What is included in our Process Serving Jobs
Our process server services at RMM provide reliable and efficient delivery for all your legal documents. We offer both standard routine and rush service, as well as same day service for those urgent situations. In addition, we also offer demand letters, legal notices, property notices, skip tracing, notary, and wage garnishment delivery. Trust us to handle your important paperwork and legal documents. Please inquire for a quote as many cases are unique to pricing based on location and circumstances.
Standard Routine Service
4 attempts on different days and different times.
Due Diligence with a 10 day turnaround
Pictures and Service attempts using pictures with GPS stamps.
Affidavit of Service provided within 72 hours of its generation
Rush and Same Day Service
Attempts start same day upon request and premium
Attempts start within 48 hours for standard Rush service
Skip Tracing
Utilization of high tech information database systems and access to licensed Private Investigators in OK to find current information for service.
Standard Notary in person and E-Notary
Servemanager is our go to program for logistics in processing work and eliminating data entry. Please see link below.